TÜRKÇE (For English please scroll down)
Bu sene yeni yıl resmimizi hazırlarken ülkenmizin kaotik siyasi gündemini artık hayatımızın dışarıda bırakmak arzumu ifade etmiştim. Ne çare: bir "Başkanlık Sistemi" çıkardılar, "referandum yapacağız" dediler "ama 'hayır' dersen teröristlerle berabersin" diye ilâve ettiler. Dışında durabilirsen dur! Sokaklara da çıktım, bayrak da salladım amaen yine de çok kalemimi kullandım, bu gidişle daha kullanacağım herhâlde!
When I was preparing our newyear illustration for this year, I tried to express our desire to distance ourselves from the chaos of our country's charged political atmosphere (See: "2017", 10 Aralık/ December 2016). That was wishful thinking: they hatched this controversial idea of a "Presidential System", said they would hold a referendum for it, then added that we were allying ourselves with terrorists if we said "no". Now stay out of that if you can! I've been on the streets and waved my flag again, but most of my activity was with my pencil. And it seems I will be making much use of it before the day is done!